New premises are located in a suburb of Riga with only 11 kilometres distance to city centre in industrial and logistics area with fast access to Riga centre and 9 kilometres from E67 road connecting Helsinki and Prague, what is cold as Via Baltica (part between Warsaw and Tallinn).
With an opening of the new distribution centre, we are providing significant improvement in quality of our service offerings in Latvia and strengthen the position of well-balanced pharmaceutical service provider in the Baltic region offering country based and regional solutions for pharmaceutical industry.
Total space, including offices, occupies 7.100 square meters, with 5.000 square meters allocated to warehouse. Our high bay narrow isle 6 pallet level warehouse has 4.500 pallets storage capacity for various types of medicines: cold chain, controlled medicines, clinical trials, etc. Warehouse is equipped with modern wire guided narrow isle forklifts and order picking equipment. More than 9.000 picking locations and conveyer line for high efficiency picking process is implemented. LED lighting solution has significantly reduced our carbon footprint. Modern video surveillance system, temperature and humidity monitoring systems has been designed adapting the best practice of our pharma customers.
New premises will significantly improve the working conditions, set a solid platform for the future business growth, and will add to the better service of our customers’ needs. It is also a loud signal to market that Tamro Baltics is a serious player who invests in the growth and quality of service for the long-term success.